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Organize a Silent Disco Children’s Party 

It is your child’s birthday and you want to organize an unforgettable party. What now?! You want to please everyone, not too much hassle and not cause a nuisance to the neighbors. Then our Silent disco Children’s Party is the solution!

From the moment the kids put on their silent disco headphones, they sing their favorite songs and the craziest dance moves come out of the closet. Try this new way of partying and you will see that the kids love it!

Just like any other party, some things have to be organized to make your party a success;

1. Create an invitation
2. Rent the silent disco headphones + disco lighting
3. Create a program with fun games and activities.
4. Create a playlist according to your child’s age and preferences. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column]

We organize a Silent Disco Children’s Party

Too much hassle? We can also do this for you. We offer a package that includes all of the above components, including entertainer and photo booth. This can be done at your home, but a suitable space can also be rented from us.

Our professional kids entertainer will entertain the kids during the party with interactive dance games, activities and much more!

Do you also want to give your child an unforgettable party? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities! [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]

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Possibly for additional costs:
Snacks and children’s cocktails
Polaroid photos [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_column]
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